The aim of our work is to create the basis for real international cooperation in mixed student and teaching teams in virtual challenges to promote competencies not only in sustainable entrepreneurship but also in intercultural cooperation. We are therefore pleased to provide you with a detailed overview of our project results. 

  • Widrat, A., Fichter, K. (2023): Support services for student-business-collaboration. Good practice collection of support services for challenge-based student-business collaboration in sustainable entrepreneurship. Oldenburg: Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (more)
  • Fichter, K.; Seela, A. (2024). From Output to Impact in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Education. Guidelines for Evaluating and Improving Student-Business-Challenges. Oldenburg, Linköping, Zuidlaren (more)

This website was carried out as part of the Challenge4Impact project. Challenge4Impact (Project Reference: 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032242) is funded by the Erasmus+/Cooperation Partnership Programme of the European Union.

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