Impact staircase of Student-Business-Challenges, based on Fichter et al. 2021, Kurz & Kubek, 2021

From Output to Impact in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Education

Have you ever thought about the impact of your teaching in the context of Student-Business Challenges? What impact does it have – not only on your students, but also on the innovation partners involved and, in the long term, on the environment and society?

Engaging in impact management for teaching, particularly in in the context of Student-Business Challenges, yields significant benefits. It enhances transparency about costs, benefits and outcomes aiding the identification of strengths and weaknesses in co-innovation programmes. Impact management promotes innovation and could also support students‘ project management. For lecturers, it improves the efficiency and effectiveness of teaching through data-based findings. Impact management not only strengthens co-innovation between students and businesses, but also contributes to sustainable development and social impact, making it an important element of modern higher education.

Find out more about how you can manage the impact of Student-Business Challenges and Sustainable Entrepreneurship teaching! The guide “From Output to Impact in Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Education” explains the methodological principles of teaching-related impact management and provides assistance in setting up your own impact management system.

Download our Guidelines here

This website was carried out as part of the Challenge4Impact project. Challenge4Impact (Project Reference: 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000032242) is funded by the Erasmus+/Cooperation Partnership Programme of the European Union.

The information and views set out in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Union. Neither the European Union institutions and bodies nor any person acting on their behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein.